Translator becomes the International Businesswoman of the Year

Katarzyna Slobodzian Taylor Gloucestershire International Businesswoman of the Year 2016

The glitz and glamour of a red carpet event with flashing lights are rarely part of your average translator’s professional life, however when I tentatively stepped onto the stage to receive my award for winning the Gloucestershire International Businesswoman of the Year last week, I felt as if I was there to also represent the entire translators’ community. I was completely overwhelmed to receive this prestigious award, and was absolutely thrilled at the positive reaction from the other local businesses taking part, as well as from my fellow translator colleagues. The lovely messages that have been pouring in to me since then only go to show how many wonderful people have contributed to my success along the way.

International Businesswoman of the Year 2016


Earlier this year I was selected as a finalist in two categories of the Gloucestershire Women of the Year Awards: the Young Entrepreneur of the Year and the International Businesswoman of the Year. I was really looking forward to the spectacular Awards gala that was held exactly a week ago within the very chic settings of Cheltenham Racecourse. The award ceremony brought together a very strong group of successful businesswomen, all with remarkable stories of their own. Luckily, I was fortunate enough to go on to win the award for Gloucestershire International Business Woman of the Year 2016, which was sponsored by Smith & Williamson. It truly felt like a huge pat on the back for all the countless hours I have spent in front of the computer screen working hard for each and every one of my clients. The award was presented to me by Krista Woodman, partner and head of the private client tax services team at the Cheltenham office of Smith & Williamson. I am very proud to have won this award.

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