Author Archives for Mihai Inceu

About Mihai Inceu

Mihai Inceu is a Senior Regulatory Officer at JensonR+ Limited. His research studies at the
Faculty of Chemistry in Cluj-Napoca, Romania, led him to develop a strong interest in the field
of foodstuffs. After starting his professional career at Ranbaxy as a scientist in Bioequivalence
Studies, Mihai joined Nelsons, a leading UK natural healthcare manufacturer where he gained
expertise in quality control, quality assurance, and regulatory affairs, specialising in food
supplements, cosmetics, traditional herbal remedies, and homeopathic remedies.
Mihai’s passion lies in medicinal plants, natural healthcare, and nutrition.

Food supplement advertising rules

Is Your Food Supplement Compliant with Food Advertising and Labelling of Food Supplements Rules?

May 30, 2023 10:20 am Published by Leave your thoughtsIn today’s health-conscious society, the popularity of food supplements has soared. To protect consumers, preserve brand reputation, and avoid legal pitfalls, manufacturers and marketers must comply with labelling and promotional regulations. Getting your copy right from the start is also vital, to prevent misleading information being reproduced in translation. In this article, you will learn how to ensure regulatory compliance for your product information and its promotional material.