How Professional Medical Record Translation Can Help You Get the Treatment You Need
29 January, 2021
Whether it’s to take advantage of the latest specialist treatment options, to enjoy a better quality of care, or due to personal circumstances, more and more people receive medical treatment in another country. Cross-border medical travel often requires a medical record translation service. Regardless of your circumstances, your medical documentation has to be translated swiftly and absolutely accurately.
What is certified translation
3 March, 2017
Last month I was awarded the Chartered Linguist status for Translation. Since then, we’ve experienced a considerable increase in enquiries about our certified translation service. However, many of our clients are still unsure of what certified translation is. They also don’t know if they need it in their particular circumstances. We appreciate there is no one-size-fits-all answer. I hope with my advice you’ll be able to choose the translation service that matches your individual needs and objectives.